Monday, September 28

All Scrapbook Steals giveaway!

Check out this awesome new blog and throw your hat in the ring for winning a great giveaway in honor of their store's new blog!

Monday, August 31

Thank you cards

Just what the title says, TYVM. :)

Thursday, August 27

Baby Announcements

So it has taken me a redhot month to make these baby announcements. I would be ashamed but I'm up to my knees in newborn diapers and trying to potty train a 2 year old and - oh, yes - the 4 year old started preschool Monday -- after we've been told for the summer that he didn't make the list. Plus I have had 2 job interviews for new nursing jobs part time instead of doing that awful 7p-7a shift I was doing before maternity leave.
Its been busy! Whew.
These pictures SUCK but I'm proud I finally finished something on my cricut.

Saturday, August 8

Home Alone...sort of

Today was Luke's first day back at work after being home with me and the boys for 10 days. He was supposed to go in at 6am to lead the hike but I woke up at 630 and he was still snoozing away. Ahhh the benefits of being in charge.

He went in at 8 and should be home anytime now. I was glad to get a trial run before he does a full, long day on Monday. His parents arrive on Wednesday so not only am I wrestling a 4 year old and a 2 year old AND a newborn, I'm trying to get the house back in order from having me out of commission from labor (and from having Luke home for those days).

I haven't had time to do anything but order the pictures for the baby announcements and pump breast milk. I feel like a cow. I haven't touched a scrap of paper or the cricut.

I have, however, ordered a ton of paper and a crop-a-dile, and the New Additions cartridge.

Shame on me.

Tuesday, August 4

Awesome Blog Candy Giveaway!

So I look at many, many blogs for ideas and inspiration but this lady at has one of my absolute favorites and she is giving away a great prize (Big Shot, anyone?!) So check it out and throw your hat in the ring.

Tuesday, July 28

Baby Nathan arrives!

My third son arrived today at 1:05 pm weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs 5 ozs and 19 inches long. But his feet ARE ENORMOUS! We're pretty excited, so instead of sitting around online I'm going to go hold my baby.

Saturday, July 25

My Cricut finally got here

Finally! After all the anticipation I've gotten my Cricut Expression, the jukebox, and Doodlecharms & Life's a Beach carts. markers, and a boatload of other goodies. Now I can see what all the fuss is about. I'm excited to get started but I'm a little intimidated too! I bet Luke is wondering what happened to his nice manly study.

Wednesday, July 1

Baseball and birds

Luke took me to my first ML Baseball game today. We went to see the Brewers play the Mets. Brewers lost :( [didn't even score a single run] but I had an excellent bratwurst and got to see the famous "Running of the Weinees" so I didn't complain.

Our flight to Greensboro got cancelled because on the way to Milwaukee it hit a bird and caused some engine damage. Our flight is at like 7 in the morning. Which means I have to get up at something like 4:30 am. Ouch.

Saturday, June 27

Flights & Stomach bugs

We left for Milwaukee today from my mom's...after a brutal 7 hour drive with Ryan puking in the backseat and me taking terbutaline like skittles to keep this premature labor at bay.

Luke threw up like 7 times night before last and Ryan's been sick all day and I felt fine until this morning, when it was time to get ready to go. Of course, I started puking everywhere.

This is awesome.